Thursday, March 24, 2011

Heart matters

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
Matthew 5:8
Guard your heart above all else for out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23

I always took Matthew 5:8 to mean that those whose hearts were pure (clean, lacking in sin, innocent, well-intentioned, faithful. This was my idea of purity growing up) would be blessed by getting to see God in heaven one day for the way that they lived while on earth. This still may be part of the meaning, but perhaps it isn’t limited to just seeing God physically one day, long down the road when we enter heaven. Maybe it means that we will be able to see God here and now today in the day-to-day life we live on earth.

What I mean is, those who are pure in heart will be blessed by being able to hear God’s voice and feel his presence in their life. That’s what I think “see God” in this verse could also imply.

What does it mean to have purity in our hearts? Looking at the definition of pure, we get: unmixed with any other matter (such as worldly things); free from dust, dirt or taint (sin); free from harshness or roughness (such as anger, defensiveness, unforgiveness, coldness, jealousy); containing nothing that does not properly belong (Oh, I like this one! Anything that’s not of God and Christ-like); free from moral fault or guilt; marked by chastity; clean; having exactly the talent or skills needed for a particular role (I know this one is normally used to describe dog breeds- purebreds- but it could also apply to us having a particular role as one of God’s children).

Wow! I’m glad to have a better picture of what “pure” means. Now when I examine my heart for these things, I realize that some of these things are missing. This verse seems to imply that maybe I’m having difficulty “seeing” God because my heart isn’t pure. Not that our hearts will ever be completely pure since we’re still human, but they can be purified to a better place. God is in the business of purifying hearts. Jesus initiates our purification process and we can turn to him through prayer, surrender and obedience to become more pure like him. Then, we will be blessed for the purity in our heart by being able to hear from God better, feel his presence in our lives and sense his leading.

It’s convicting to think that the reason for my not being able to hear God’s voice when I pray and read the Word or feel his presence more often is because of me. If I’m harboring any unforgiveness, anger and bitterness towards someone then my heart isn’t completely pure. If I’m mixing myself in too much with this world and concerning myself with earthly matters more than godly, eternal matters then I’m not completely pure in heart. If I’m in a place of habitual sin or haven’t confessed my sin to God and turned away from it yet then my heart is impure. If my heart has any filth and dirt in it then it’s time to clean house. If I’m not walking out my role as one of God’s children and taking on the responsibility and reputation that comes with that then I’m not completely pure at heart. You get the idea.

So we can see where Proverbs comes into play as a warning to us to be sure to guard our hearts. Now we see why the heart is of such high importance! It makes sense that whatever we let into our hearts and dwell there determines the course of our life or the issues that arise in our lives. For example, if unforgiveness is in my heart then you’ll probably find evidence of a strained relationship in my life and constant conflict with that one person, or with everyone who sins against me. I have to forgive (let go and let God handle the situation or that person) in order to have a clean, peaceful heart. If I’m living in sin and aware of it but not taking it to God in confession and repentance, asking for help and trying to give it up, then it’s likely I’m struggling with getting his direction in my life and having any joy. If I’m filling my heart with cynicism, pessimism, negativity, jadedness or flat-out lies then how I live, make decisions, and relate to others will reflect what’s going on in my heart.

So let’s take an inventory of the condition of our hearts and purge of what’s not suppose to be in there. We’re promised to be blessed for it! I know I want to feel the presence of God. “You will show me the way of life, granting me fullness of joy with your presence,” Psalm . I love this verse. In other translations it says "In the presence of God is fullness of joy!" I also want to hear from God more easily when I’m seeking his counsel or comfort. “Seek his will in all that you do and he will show you which path to take,” Proverbs 3:6. By learning what his will is (found in studying his Word) and choosing to follow it, we will surely see God!

Father, thank you for your Word that teaches us what is right and how you would have us to live. Thank you for your Spirit living inside of us that convicts us when we do wrong. We know that you only discipline and correct your children; those whom you love. I pray that you show me anything in my heart that doesn’t belong there and help me to clean it out so that I may be able to see you, today and in heaven. Give me the grace to follow your will and have an obedient heart so that I may experience the joy of your presence. It’s in your Son’s name I ask these things, Amen.

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